Posted by: irenesroth | August 4, 2014

Book Review: Published on Blogcritics

51MrHxuq7eL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-v3-big,TopRight,0,-55_SX278_SY278_PIkin4,BottomRight,1,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_Embrace the Chaos:
How India Taught Me to Stop Overthinking and Start Living
By: Bob Miglani

Does your life feel out of control? Do you feel like you have lost a grip on what is important and you are constantly anxious and frustrated? If so, this book is for you.

Bob Miglani was a person who had it all: he had a wonderful, viable business, a great family life, and relative comfort. But he still felt quite overwhelmed and frustrated. He had no idea why, but the feeling was there. And who cannot relate to that feeling of overwhelm nowadays. We are always doing more and more and hurrying from place to place. We are brainwashed into believing that we can buy happiness. But the more we buy and the more acquire, the less happy we become! This becomes a vicious cycle after a while, eroding our peace and happiness more and more and making us feeling more frustrated.

Bob did a lot of over-thinking and over-analyzing. He had problems sleeping. He definitely knew that something was wrong—but he couldn’t put his finger on what it was until he was invited to go to India with a friend. In India, things are chaotic and unpredictable. Yet, people find a way to live in the midst of this chaos and still be peaceful and happy. This intrigued Bob and he set out to discover how they do it. This is how the idea for this book was born.

In order to regain our peace and happiness and start thriving, we have to push the pause button. We have to stop running and look beneath the surface to the place where we know not just with the mind but also with the heart. We have to overcome our hurry sickness which has really become a neurosis for a lot of us because it creates a lot of anxiety and stress for us.

Our sense of humanity can become hijacked by busyness. When we constantly hurry, we lose touch with our purpose and our perspective of what is truly important. So, we have to pause or pay later. In order to pause, we should accept chaos, refrain from over-thinking, and move forward by taking action.

We live in a world full of chaos, and there is nothing we can do about it. We have to focus on what we can control: our thoughts and emotions. We should look for a place within us for fulfillment. When we find that place, our life will become much less frustrating and anxious because regardless of the chaos outside, we will be peaceful inside. This way we too can transform ourselves from a caterpillar to a butterfly.

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