Posted by: irenesroth | May 27, 2014

Book Review for Tyndale Publishers

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By: Kristen Welch

This is a wonderful book that will be hard to put down. I know I just couldn’t. It is so about life and all of its ups and downs and how one can triumph despite all of these difficulties with God at our side.

This book is an absolute treasure to read and I am honored to write a review for it. It is one of those books that I will never forget. It is motivational and inspirational. But what is more, Kristen shows in impeccable detail that you can overcome all odds in life if you take risks and live out your dreams by saying Yes to God.

The book also shows the reader how forgiving she is. The redemption of her marriage took my breath away. It was painful to read but once the words that I read settled in my psyche I will filled with hope and mercy—a hope and mercy that I didn’t have before. I started become aware that I too was carrying a lot of baggage—a weight that keeps me away from what God wants to do through me. This book really changed me and made me rethink my priorities and helped me see that there were times that I could be very judgmental.

But in addition, Kristen  showed me the importance of not simply living my life as best as I can but to reach to others and making a difference in the world around me—and God knows that there is a lot of work to do in this department. We must all give generously. If we can do this as a family, as Kristen did, we will show a new generation of children how to live with a generous and loving heart. This will set them up for a life of happiness and contentment.

Thank you Kristen for such a GREAT book!

Rating: 5 Stars

Reviewed by: Irene S. Roth

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